A new play written by Joel Z. Cornfield. Directed by Brian McKnight.
THE STORY: Jake is a doctor in crisis. A messy divorce has rattled his confidence and two separate end-of-life scenarios under his care complicate matters in unexpected ways. Bill, his mentor and father figure, has decided to end chemotherapy and embrace the end of his days on earth, while Gertie, a 90-year-old patient on life support, languishes.
Glass Apple artistic director Brian McKnight directed the production which featured Danny Dauphin as Jake, Buzz Leer as Bill, and Ronny Stein as Gus, the hospital administrator. Rounding out the cast were Lori Lee (Milly), Aziza Macklin (Heather), Travis Monroe Neese (Ira), Darren Lee Brown (Kurt) and Lauren S. Deaton (Gertie).
Scenic design was by Evan Frank, costume design by Gary Nocco, lighting design by Michael Goebel, sound design by Steve Labedz, video design by Chris Owens, props design by Taylor Tengelsen and graphic design by Al Hidalgo. Production manager was Michael Stults. The production was stage managed by Ally Wetz, and assistant stage managed by Simon Berdes.